Shameless Rolling Stone blames Texas victims and “gun culture” for the racist mass shooting in Dallas

Any semblance of a positive reputation that Rolling Stone once had has been completely and utterly destroyed over the past few years. From glamorizing Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to writing a damaging exposé on a rape that never actually occurred, the once popular magazine’s public perception has plummeted on both sides of the equation. Both liberals and conservatives alike have grown fed up with the publication’s pandering, factually incorrect nonsense.

And things are only getting worse.

It’s accepted fact at this point that the mainstream media outlets are doing everything in their power to prevent law-abiding American citizens from keeping their Second Amendment rights. They’re so ferociously anti-gun that they seem to be championing gun control every minute of every hour of every day, even when it’s completely inappropriate to do so.

In the wake of the Dallas terrorist attack that left five police officers dead and many more injured, Rolling Stone blamed Texas’ “gun culture” on the shooting. Christopher Hooks, the author of the article entitled “Texas’ Gun Culture and Politics Made Dallas Shooting Inevitable,” writes, “We’re putting guns in more places, and letting more people flash them, with the idea that guns can cancel each other out, like a subtraction problem: bad guy with gun + good guy with gun = no problem.”

It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that a liberal journalist uses a simple math equation to try and explain a cultural issue that is much deeper than that.

This is the kind of classlessness one should expect from the publication that lionized a despicable terrorist, but that doesn’t prevent it from leaving a bad taste in one’s mouth. Texas is a region with a rich history of independence and liberty. Insulting the state’s residents for honoring the Constitution is poor form.

When Rolling Stone eventually nosedives directly into the ground, we’ll know exactly what was responsible — and it isn’t “gun culture.”


