Anti-freedom Republican and Democrat senators team up for ignorant courtroom claim: ‘good people don’t smoke marijuana’

I have a family member that benefits greatly from medical marijuana. Although the laws are changing, the system is unjust still. Just think of the thousands languishing in jail from the “war on drugs,” which has always been bogus, or the parents who face the terror of medical kidnapping and uproot their lives so their children can get life saving cannabinoid oil. The ignorance demonstrated at a recent Congressional concave entitled, “Is the Department of Justice Adequately Protecting the Public From the Impact of State Recreational Marijuana Legalization?” isn’t surprising. reports:

“… Three of the witnessess chosen by Grassley, an Iowa Republican, and Feinstein, a California Democrat, [were] prominent marijuana foes: a  U.S. attorney from California, Nebraska’s attorney general, and an adviser to the anti-pot group SAM. The fourth witness, an analyst from the Government Accountability Office, was there to present a report concluding that the Justice Department ‘should document its approach to monitoring the effects of legalization.’

“Grassley complained that ‘the Department of Justice decided to all but abandon the enforcement of federal law relating to the possession, cultivation, and distribution of marijuana in states that were in the process of becoming the only jurisdictions in the world to legalize and regulate all these activities for recreational use.'”

The Senate has old fogies caught up and still believing in the bogus war on drugs

Both senators Grassley and Feinstein are in the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics. And they don’t like this new policy of legalizing marijuana. Hmm, is the new paradigm of medical cannabis ruining the black ops drug trade that helps fund their dirty wars? Here’s what Reason reported about their other buddy, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions:

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“Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) [warned] that the message sent by legalizing marijuana (that ‘it’s not very dangerous’) threatens to reverse reductions in adolescent drug use that he attributed to the ‘prevention movement’ exemplified by Nancy Reagan’s Just Say No campaign.

‘It was the prevention movement that really was so positive, and it led to this decline. The creating of knowledge that this drug is dangerous, it cannot be played with, it is not funny, it’s not something to laugh about, and trying to send that message with clarity, that good people don’t smoke marijuana.'”

So good people don’t smoke marijuana. Senator Sessions, can you define “good”? Do you even have a clue as to the lying, manipulative ways of the Nixon White House when the most recent version of the war on drugs was created?


“Journalist Dan Baum recounts an interview he conducted with John Erlichman, a former Nixon staffer who was jailed for one year due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal. Unprompted, Erlichman confessed the true purpose of federal drug prohibition:

“‘You want to know what this was really all about?… The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Yeah, they knew they were lying. And I don’t think there’s anything “good” about that is there, Senator Sessions?

While you’re supporting medical marijuana, remember too that clean food is essential for optimum health.

