Trump negatives through the roof – will GOP voters burn the party down anyway?

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( Are Republican voters set to blow up their party just for the sake of blowing it up, fueled by years of neglect and dishonesty from party leaders? It would appear that way if most continue to support the presidential candidacy of a certain billionaire named Donald J. Trump.

As reported by AMI Newswire, new poll numbers from Quinnipiac University show Donald Trump clearly leading the GOP field in a hypothetical national presidential primary.

But trouble may loom for Republicans in the general election, as 54 percent of those surveyed say there is ‘no way’ they will vote for the Manhattan real estate developer.

The Quinnipiac poll shows Trump’s negatives at 61 percent, with 53 percent having a ‘strongly unfavorable’ opinion of him.

Sixty-one percent, Republicans. Did you catch that?

Such high numbers this early in a presidential race have caused some Republican and conservative activists to look for alternatives to the GOP front-runner, fearing that if he is the GOP nominee, it could spell disaster for the party in November.

Matt Robbins, president of the Virginia-based grassroots training organization American Majority, told AMI Newswire he “doesn’t see a way out” of the Trump problem for the GOP.

“They have one last chance to take him down, and that’s Wisconsin,” Robbins said. “Wisconsin will be a watershed.”

“We’ve been working with activists there for five-and-a-half years, and there is no love for Trump or his brand of politics in the state,” Robbins added. “But even if [Trump] loses there, the numbers just don’t add up for any of the other candidates to stop him.”

Wisconsin voters head to the polls on April 5. An Emerson College poll of likely primary voters has Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ahead of Trump 36 percent to 35 percent.

Robbins said that of the 35,000 activists his group has trained in 14 different states over the years, many of them have decided to fall in line, “like good soldiers,” behind Sen. Cruz.

“What they don’t seem to understand though, is Trump has changed the game,” Robbins said. “They believe if they fall in line behind Cruz, it will all be OK.”

“But the thing is,” Robbins added, “Cruz has been out-Cruzed by Trump. The Cruz people have become the victims of their own strategy. Cruz was going to win big in the South, with an amazing ground game. But Trump air dropped his campaign into those states, won a lot of them, and scooped up delegates Cruz thought he had in the bag.”

“It’s comical. It’s dismal,” Robbins said. “But people are deluding themselves. This race is gone.”

Robbins added that a significant number of activists his group has trained were staunch supporters of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who dropped out of the presidential race earlier this month.

“A lot of those people fall into the ‘never Trump’ group,” Robbins said. “They probably stay home in November. That will be a disaster for Republicans up and down the ballot.”

Senior Democratic strategist Paul Goldman told AMI Newswire the Republicans have three months to figure out what to do.

“They have the diagnosis,” Goldman said. “Voters so far have picked Trump over Cruz and his conservative platform. They can either use this time to plan their own funeral, or they they can figure out a way to block him.”

Like Robbins, Goldman sees trouble ahead for Republicans in November.

“Their delusion is that they can spend enough money to build a dam strong enough to hold back the flood” if Trump is the nominee, Goldman said.

“Republicans in Congress think they can ride out a Trump disaster,” he added. “That’s wishful thinking.”

“If Republicans were smart,” Goldman said, “they would look at the head-to-head numbers in the Quinnipiac poll and see their best bet is [Ohio Gov. John] Kasich.”

In hypothetical general election match-ups, Kasich beats Hillary Clinton 47 percent to 39 percent, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders 45 percent to 44 percent.

“Kasich comes across as not too liberal, not too conservative,” Goldman said. “He’s not a shut-down-the-government kind of guy.”

“He also exposes Hillary’s weaknesses, which is that a lot of people just don’t like her, either,” he added.

Forty-three percent of respondents in the Quinnipiac poll said they “would definitely not vote for” Clinton in the general election.

Only 14 percent said the same of Kasich.

Now, there is a reason why primary voters are not voting for Kasich – because he’s definitely seen as an “establishment” guy and it’s obvious given Trump’s numbers that GOP voters are in a definite anti-establishment mood (as are millions of Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters, even though he’s been in Congress for decades). But they may hold their noses and coalesce around Kasich if he is seen as a more viable alternative come convention time. We’ll see.

The American Media Institute contributed to this report. is part of the USA Features Media network.

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