One tweet from an NYT columnist explains all that is wrong with our political system

( Let us be clear, here: The American system of government is the best ever devised by Mankind for its acknowledgement and protection of basic human freedoms and rights that were instrumental in the growth and establishment of the greatest power the world has ever known.

But we’re in danger of losing it all because our system has been completely co-opted by a professional political class that is selfish, self-centered, self-anointed and, worst of all, completely unresponsive to the people they were elected and appointed to serve. A tasteless and borderline criminal tweet last week by New York Times “conservative” columnist Ross Douthat proves this without question.

In a few lines of text, in which he insinuated that the only way for the GOP Establishment – of which he is a part – to best billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump and keep him from ascending to the Oval Office is for him to be assassinated. Oh, Douthat couched his tweet in a 1983 movie clip but the depiction in the clip was clear – as was Douthat’s intent – there is no stopping Trump without resorting to violence.

As of this writing – just a few hours after the tweet was picked up and publicized by – there has been no apology from Douthat or the Times, and honestly, it won’t matter if there apologies are forthcoming. The establishment’s feelings about the Trump rise have been made clear, and in a shockingly dangerous way.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess, and it’s clear the GOP establishment – the pathetic, tone-deaf GOP establishment – is desperate. Douthat likely only vocalized what some of the other cowards in the GOP establishment feel: They wouldn’t mind something unorthodox and radical happening to Trump, because nothing they have done thus far, even spending more than $100 million to anoint another Bush, has slowed Trump down.

And nothing will, some are now saying.

Mind you, the GOP establishment has no one to blame but itself for the Trump phenomenon. Their arrogant dismissal of the party’s conservative base has created the electoral monster they are incapable of stopping or understanding. The policy objectives they have pursued – amnesty, outsized budgets, failure to use any legislative power at all to slow down the Obama agenda, as they were elected (in record numbers) to do – has created tens of millions of alienated, frustrated and angry conservative voters who are now intent on punishing those who have been so careless with their trust.

That said, the tweet – and more importantly, the message behind it – demonstrates just how badly these political elites have screwed up the best system of government in the world. When you’re so reliant and dependent upon things staying the same, so afraid of a candidate who might introduce different ideas and policies, and so fearful of someone else taking the reins of government who isn’t someone you “approve” of that you are reduced to threatening another candidate with assassination, then honestly, the system is broken.

But it’s not “broken” in the traditional sense of the word; it’s “broken” in that it has been hijacked by special interests and political hacks who are so deeply embedded in power they are comfortable enough with threatening to do anything to keep what they’ve taken from the rest of us.

Even if that means the whole thing comes crashing down.

Rank-and-file conservative voters obviously sense something is wrong with their country and by backing Trump in record numbers – he has more backing and delegates now than Sen. John McCain did in 2008 and Mitt Romney did in 2012 at this point in time – they signal that they are ready to blow the system created by the GOP establishment right out of the political waters. That’s the people’s right – and the establishment types would do well to remember that.

But they won’t, and even a Trump victory won’t change who they are, what they believe and, importantly, who and what they are beholden to: The corporate and financial elite that have goals and objectives that are equally self-serving.

A Trump victory might not change the establishment much but it might just change the political order, and that scares them more than upsetting the masses.

Even to the point of threatening murder, apparently.

If this episode doesn’t convince you of how badly broken our system is and how far it has drifted from We the People – and how desperate we should be to take it back – nothing will. is part of the USA Features Media network of sites.
