Hear this former Clinton administration liberal give a ringing endorsement to Sen. Ted Cruz

(Freedom.news) Who would have thought that former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich, one of the most Left-wing pseudo-academics around, would have wound up giving Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas the most ringing president endorsement of any current or former politico or pundit?

He likely didn’t realize it, but Reich – in two minutes – gave constitutionalists more reasons to vote for Cruz than Cruz himself has given.

In a newly released and extremely juvenile video [see below], Reich listed four reasons why Cruz is supposedly “more dangerous” for the country than current GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

1. Cruz is “more fanatical.” Oh, Trump’s a “bully,” says the diminutive Reich, but that Cruz, well, he’s “a fierce ideologue” who “denies the existence of man-made climate change” [because it’s a hoax], “rejects same-sex marriage” [because the issue of marriage should have remained in the purview of states, where it had been since the nation’s founding], “wants to abolish the Internal Revenue Service” [which has been weaponized and turned into a political agency, thanks to Reich’s buddy, Barack Obama], “believes the Second Amendment guarantees everyone a right to guns” [Cruz has never said this, though he believes, as the Supreme Court has affirmed, that it is an individual right], “doesn’t believe in a constitutional divide between church and state” [because there isn’t one, other than the Constitution prohibiting the official governmental establishment of a single, state-approved religion – as in the Church of England back in the day], “favors the death penalty” [which the Supreme Court has upheld], “rejects immigration reform” [actually he rejects illegal immigration], “wants the repeal of Obamacare” [like a consistent majority of Americans], and the worst thing of all – “Cruz takes a strict originalist view of the Constitution” [which is precisely the correct view to take given that the founders never intended for it to be interpreted any other way].

So far, so good, if you’re a freedom-loving constitutionalist, right? But Reich wasn’t done with his “endorsement.”

2. “Cruz is a true believer.” In other words, Cruz speaks his mind, believes what he says and doesn’t mince words (though he’s currently being tagged as a “liar” by his GOP competitors – a charge even Reich doesn’t appear to believe), while Trump “has no firm principles except making money” [which used to be a near-universal pursuit in America until success began to be demonized by liberals to empower the Democratic Party, which is led, by the way, by very successful, wealthy people]. Cruz is also a “radical right” guy – another great trait if you’re into liberty.

3. “Cruz is more disciplined and strategic.” Shouldn’t we want these qualities in a leader?

4. “Cruz is a loner who is willing to destroy institutions.” If Reich means “institutions” like the “good ol’ boy and girl network” of political establishmentarianism and cronyism, he’s exactly right – Cruz would take it all down if he could. And why not? The vast, vast majority of Americans are demonstrating, in this election cycle, that they agree with having it taken down. They’re tired of the insider deals and the donor-driven agendas – you know, like when Reich was in government.

That Cruz is principled enough to enforce a government shut-down over spending, as he did, ought to be cheered by anyone who understands that the “fiscal cliff” Reich is talking about in his video is not the end-all, be-all federal budget but the menacing and staggering national debt that has doubled under Obama.

“Both men would be a disaster for America,” Reich intones, “but Ted Cruz would be the larger disaster.”

Not if he sticks to all of the things Reich says he would.

It’s hard to imagine a bigger disaster than Barack Obama’s presidency, which has, honestly, been enabled by a feckless GOP congressional majority. Cruz, according to Reich, would have none of that.

And that’s bad – why?

It’s not surprising that Reich, a socialist liberal, doesn’t see any “extremism” in Obama’s ideology because he shares it. But in criticizing Cruz, he has essentially laid out what everyone who supports Cruz likes about him.

And he explained it so well. Perhaps the Cruz campaign should thank Reich and ask if they can use his video on the campaign trail. Watch below:

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