Is America heading into another civil war?

The words civil war, takeover, secret facilities, dissident, and inevitable are circulating among the whispers of disenchantment all across America. It seems like the government itself is raring for something big that is going to happen – so big that it will rage across the nation and displace millions of Americans.

Where do these words come from?

They sprouted along with the numerous events and activities that have been happening around the country for quite some time now. All these rumors have started from the White House itself. Obama’s actions – firing hundreds of military officers under his regime – may be interpreted as he is trying to keep hold of the officers who are loyal to him and clean the ranks of the non-partisan ones.

There have been troubling signs regarding the economy. It seems that there are some “hidden hands” that try to manipulate the crashing of the economy. Reports say that about 18% of Americans are currently living through food stamps. Is this the conditioning of the sheep?

Billions of rounds of ammunition have also been reported to be collected by agencies like the Department of Homeland Security. What is the DHS planning to do with this stockpile of ammunition? Are they getting ready for an upcoming event?

Numerous theories about Jade Helm created a lot of disturbance among residents in the areas around where the exercises were scheduled to take place. Of course, there would be denial coming from the authorities but like the saying goes: “When there is smoke, there is fire.”

Is there truth behind these rumors of civil war? Please share your thoughts.

