Actor Kurt Russell defends your right to bear arms in an interview on “The View”

Actor Kurt Russell stood up in arms for the Second Amendment during an interview Friday on The View.

“I think there’s a very strong reason the Founding Fathers had for our Second Amendment,” Russell said.

Russell recently made newspaper headlines for arguing the belief that gun control laws can stymie terrorist attacks is “absolutely insane.” Russell was talking with Hollywood Elsewhere to promote Quentin Tarantino’s new film The Hateful Eight, which triggered a rant on guns and terrorists.

When pressed about how easy it is for terrorists to obtain guns in an interview, the 64-year-old actor responded, “What are you gonna do? Outlaw everything?”

Russell gave a less aggressive response on The View this Friday. “In reality, when we’re dealing with things like, terrorism, whatnot, we’re all going to have different opinions on how to do it,” Russell told the show’s hosts.

“[The reasoning behind the Second Amendment] is that no government ever hasn’t had to fight its own people, and its own people hasn’t had to fight its own government,” Russell added, as reported by The Hill. “We had our civil war. If that Second Amendment hadn’t been there, those people wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do what they considered defending their life, their way, their style of living.”

“I think people more object to the excesses of the Second Amendment,” co-host Joy Behar responded. “Not the Second Amendment. It’s the boom, boom, boom, boom, boom guns.”

“And that’s where the debate comes in,” Russell said. “I think it’s too bad the debate can’t remain civil, too. … So I just leave it open for interpretation by all different people and say, we’re all in this together. We’re going to hear people talk about it.”

The actor went on to note that gun control is a complex debate that should be subject to an open, civil dialogue. Nevertheless, Russell also said that whatever civil dialog may be had, it is too late for those who were unable to defend themselves against violent criminals, like those at the recent San Bernardino massacre.

Russell’s remarks were more tame than during his interview with Hollywood Elsewhere, when he said, “If you think gun control is going to change the terrorists’ point of view, I think you’re, like, out of your mind.” His most recent movie, The Hateful Eight, opens Christmas day.

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