cigarette burning black white red color

After you quit smoking, will your weight skyrocket, like so many others? New study tells all!

Most smokers eat junk food nearly every day of their smoking lives because they know the cigarettes are already destroying most of their “healthy living,” so why bother to eat right, right? There are 45 million smokers in the United States, and coincidentally, Americans eat about 50 billion hamburgers a year, so go figure. In Read More

Top 10 ways eating onions can improve health-01

Top 10 ways eating onions can improve health

Onions are a treat that make you weep. Botanically known as Allium cepa, onions are bulbous vegetables that are grown almost all over the world. They are characterized by their pungent aroma, crunchy texture and sharp flavor. Despite their widespread use, the pungent aroma causes many people to steer clear of onions. Nevertheless, several studies Read More