Senate defends Second Amendment freedoms by blocking gun control

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting, democrats — as they always do after an act of gun violence occurs in America — rushed to reform gun control, with numerous hidden caveats mixed in with their proposed bills, most of which infringe on the rights of law-abiding American citizens.

While there’s no doubt that every single member of the Senate wants to curb gun violence in our country, it’s unconstitutional to do so by banning Americans from purchasing firearms — and that’s exactly what some of the proposed bills will do. While the idea of preventing people on terror watch lists from purchasing guns is a good idea in theory, it completely falls apart when you consider the thousands — if not millions — of completely innocent Americans that it negatively impacts. It is not due process.

Thankfully, a majority of the senators chose to block all four of the proposed measures, defending the Constitutional rights of American citizens in the process. Sometimes the government does things that can actually make you proud.

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated, “Instead of using this as an opportunity to push a partisan agenda or craft the next 30-second campaign ad, colleagues like Sen. Cornyn and Sen. Grassley are pursuing real solutions that can help keep Americans safer from the threat of terrorism.”

That’s what everyone in the Senate should be doing, instead of finding increasingly ridiculously reasons to blame criminal behavior on guns and the NRA. There aren’t too many guns in America, but there are too many lunatics. Whether they be radical Islamic terrorists or motiveless terrorists with noticeable mental health issues — it’s time for Congress to blame the people who fire the guns, and not the guns themselves.

Every time a mass shooting occurs in America, we know the shooter is going to fall into one of the two aforementioned categories. It’s time to stop being afraid to point that out.

And it’s definitely time to stop attacking the Second Amendment.



USA Today



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