Latest Stats: Obama is Nation’s Top Gun Salesman

New statistics are out that have been put into a well done infographic. These stats demonstrate clearly that the more Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah goes after guns and attempts to infringe on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms, the more Americans buy more guns. reports:

In 2012, we nicknamed President Obama “The Greatest Gun Salesman in America” because of the effect his 2008 election had on the sale of firearms and ammunition. Now with America preparing for the 2016 presidential election, we take a comprehensive look at just how profound the “Obama Effect” has been on the firearm industry, especially as more Americans own more guns than ever before.

After all, in a humorous video that recently aired at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, President Obama revealed how he would ease his way into retirement. Perhaps the firearm industry should offer him a job once he leaves the White House, given how much he’s helped it grow?

In December 2015, Guns in the News gave Obama the title of “Greatest Gun Salesman of All Time” due to the fact that Black Friday saw two background checks every second.

Earlier this year, columnist Bradlee Dean referred to Obama as “Gun Salesman of the Decade.”


As Obama has warned us, in these final few months of his time usurping the office of president, he is going to give “sustained attention” to gun control.  Congress will not do their duty to impeach this man, so it is up to the people to remain vigilant and continue to call out this man’s crimes and demand that he and those around him face justice for their crimes against the Constitution and the people they are supposed to serve.

In the meantime, to borrow a phrase from Chik-fil-a, “Buy more guns!”

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